Stephenson Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 7DD


Stephenson Way Academy and Nursery School




Our most recent Ofsted inspection was in October 2022. We anticipate our next inspection to be approximately 4 years from this date. All areas of school were inspected across 2 days and inspectors reached judgements of 'Good' in all areas, including The quality of education,  Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development, Leadership and management and Early years provision. The full inspection report can be accessed by clicking on the link below but some of the positve comments from the report are below:

 'Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of the school, appreciating thehard work of staff. One parent commented, ‘Staff have been fabulous. I would highly recommend this school to friends.’

'Staff have high expectations of pupils. Pupils live up to these expectations and behave well. Pupils have positive attitudes towards their work and towards each other. They appreciate how teachers help them to reflect on their behaviour and give them 'a way out' when they make poor choices.'

'Relationships between staff and pupils are based on mutual respect. Pupils are kind and work alongside their peers in a supportive and thoughtful way.'

'Pupils feel safe because they know adults are there to help if they have a worry. Pupils say that bullying is rare. If bullying happens, pupils know they can tell an adult and it will stop.

'Staff work successfully together to ensure pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have access to the full curriculum and are supported well. Staff have a good understanding of the pupils’ needs. They use support plans well to help pupils make good progress.'

'There is a strong culture of safeguarding. Leaders and staff know the school’s community well. Staff are vigilant. They notice when pupils may be at risk of harm. Leaders provide regular training for staff to help them report concerns swiftly.'