Our school is an academy within Tudhoe Learning Trust. The Trust is the Admissions Authority for all schools within the Trust and has determined to operate admissions on the same basis as that used by Durham Local Authority.
School Admissions 2024/25
Our school is an academy within Tudhoe Learning Trust. The Trust is the Admissions Authority for all schools within the Trust and has determined to operate admissions on the same basis as that used by Durham County Admission Arrangements 2024-25
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
Normal admissions procedures apply, however where a Special Educational Need or Disability is identified the school would work with parents/cares and other agencies involved to ensure that appropriate provision could be provided. If you have any questions about our SEND Information Report please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.
Our School operates within an equal preference scheme and welcomes all children.
Additional Admissions links for 2024/25